The keyword can either be the job title, company name or skill. Then, click on the
The quick search is at the top of every search result page. It works the same as the advanced job search. The keyword can either be the job title, company name or skill. Then, click on the
Here are some basic keyword tips to help you get the most relevant jobs:
- One keyword
To start searching for jobs, you can use a simple and obvious keyword like the company name, skill and job title, etc. E.g. if you are looking for the jobs with the job title of Programmer, e.g. just type programmer.
- All keywords
You can use more specific keywords to narrow your search. For example, using sales representative instead of sales will return results that include ALL keywords sales and representative .
- Exact phrase
To search for an exact phrase, just put quotation marks around two or more keywords. E.g. to search on "Software Engineer".
- At least one of the keywords
To find jobs matching at least one of the keywords, add "OR", "or" or "," between the keywords. For example, sales OR representative, sales or representative and sales, representative will return results that include the keyword sales or representative or both.
- None of the keywords
In order to make sure no job containing the keywords will show up in the results, you can type a minus sign '-' in front of them. E.g. the search result for sales -representative will show sales jobs without mentioning of representative.
- Wild card searches
The asterisk (*) can be used for wild card searches. E.g. Account* and Manage* to find all jobs which have keywords beginning with Account or Manage.
- Capitalization
Jobs searches in are NOT case sensitive. E.g. searching for software engineer and softWare enGineeR will return the same result.
- Search "Job title only"
By default, your keyword search will be matched against entire job advertisement information which includes job title, job description, skill, company name, etc. If "Job title only" is checked, your keyword search will be matched against job title only. For example, the following shows the matches for "Job title only".
- Sorted by Relevance and Date
- Sorted by relevance is to show the best matching jobs on the top, regardless of the date the job was posted
- Sorted by date is to show the latest jobs at the top
- Others
- Do not use functional words, such as "a", "an", "the", etc.
- Single character keywords are not valid, e.g. "d", "z", "a", etc.
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